New Payment

Preparing your account

Before you can create payments, make sure you've checked everything on the merchant account setup checklist:

Create Payment by SDK

Our public SDK makes it easy to add a payment button to your website and process payments.

Create Payment by API

Payments can be created through our REST API.
More details can be found in api guide.

Create Payment in Dashboard

Open merchant's dashboard and navigate to the Payments section on the left menu. Click to Create Payment button.

Create payment button

Setup Payment Asset, Amount and Expired Date for a new payment.

New payment data

Payments Table

Created payment now present in the Payments Table.

New payment data

On the right part of the payment record, you can see a button for generating a payment URL. Client can process payment by this checkout URL.

Payment url

More info

  • You can see an example of checkout process using our demo wallet in Merchant Demo App.

  • More information about Checkout UI can be found here.