
All API errors are returned in JSON format.

Special attribute code contains a code with a business error if there is any. When an error is generic or unexpected this attribute will contain a common code from a table in the next section.

Example Error

	"status": 400,
	"timestamp": "2022-02-04T18:08:53Z",
	"code": "ExpiredAtInvalid",
	"message": "The provided expiredAt timestamp points to the moment in the past"

Status codes

Here is a list of the different categories of status codes returned by the API. Use these to understand if a request was successful.

  • Name

    A 2xx status code indicates a successful response.

  • Name

    A 4xx status code indicates a client error.

  • Name

    A 5xx status code indicates a server error — hopefully you won't be seeing these.

Generic Errors

Generic errors can be returned from any endpoint.

CodeHTTP CodeDescription
BadRequest400Problem with request data
Unauthorized401Invalid credentials
Forbidden403Access to a resource is forbidden
NotFound404Resource not found
TooManyRequests429Client is making too many requests
ServiceUnavailable503Some service on a backend is not available
PartnerApiKeyIsInvalid400Api Key is related to the wrong network type
FeatureNotSupported400Requested feature is not supported or disabled
UnsupportedNetwork400Provided Network code is not known or network is disabled by a merchant
AssetNotSupported400Provided token code is not known or the network is disabled by a merchant
InvalidDltAddress400Blockchain address provided has incorrect format
TransactionHashNotFound400The transaction hash provided is not found in the blockchain
BlockchainNotAvailable400The blockchain network is not available or a timeout on the RPC call occurred
BlockchainError400The blockchain interaction has failed for some reason, retry the call
InvalidDestination400Merhant wallet smart contract has an invalid address, contact support

Payments Errors

CodeHTTP CodeDescription
PaymentExpiresAtInvalid400The Payment expire date is invalid
PaymentAmountInvalid400The payment amount cannot be parsed due to the value or token code error
PaymentDuplicateAmounts400Aux amounts has duplicates values
PaymentAmountNotSupported400Provided token code is not known or the network is disabled by a merchant
PaymentInconsistentAsset400Aux amounts attribute has token codes from the different networks
PaymentNotFound400Payment not found
PaymentMetadataSizeExceeded400Metadata attribute is too big
CompensationDisabled400The gas compensation feature is disabled by a merchant