Gas Wallet Configuration

By using gas wallets to cover transaction fees, merchants can offer a more seamless experience for their customers, especially those new to cryptocurrencies. This convenience can lead to a substantial increase in the merchant's customer base.

Once you've selected Active Assets for accepting payments, our system will automatically create gas wallets in the selected networks. Navigate to the Settings section on the left menu and click to Reload Data button in Gas Wallets block to see created gas wallets.

Gas wallet creation

Now you can see the gas wallet address and its current balance. For more details click to View wallet button.

Gas wallet balance and other options

Gas Wallet balance

Initially, the gas wallet does not contain any native network tokens. You will need to fund the wallet address yourself.

Copy the blockchain address of the wallet for a particular network and transfer a small amount (0.2 minimum) of native tokens into it (In this example of Binance TestNet in will be BNB).

Gas wallet address and Copy option

You can get free TestNet native tokens from public faucets like:

Once you've successfully added funds to your gas wallet, please refresh the Gas Wallet status to see your new balance.

Gas wallet has valid balance

Congratulations, your account is now set up to receive payments!

Direct Payment Gas Compensation Mode

The gas wallet offers the option to cover network fees for clients using web3 crypto wallets. This fee compensation feature is customizable.

Gas compensation mode